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Lauren Hayden


Lauren Hayden was raised in Dallas, Texas, and graduated from Southern Methodist University in 2008 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Acting. She currently lives in New York City, where she has been active in the theater community, pursuing her dream.

Favorite New York credits include: Luciana in Comedy of Errors (Shakespeare in the Parking Lot), Morbid Poetry (Incubator Arts Project), Macbeth Part II (Cherry Lane), Iph. (Barrow Group Theater), and The Last Night of Ballyhoo (Hudson Theatre Ensemble). Regionally, Lauren has been seen in Pretty, Smart, Poetic (Westport Country Playhouse), Pride and Prejudice (Dallas Theater Center), Hot Georgia Sunday (Dallas Theater Center), and As You Like It (WaterTower Theater).

Besides acting, her interests include cooking, yoga, and pretending that she owns a dog.